Charleston Felony DUI Defense Lawyer

A person may be charged with a felony DUI in South Carolina in one of three ways. If a driver is under the influence and causes an accident that results in great bodily injury, it is considered to be a felony. It is also a felony if a driver who is under the influence is involved in an accident that results in a death. In all cases, a conviction will likely lead to a jail sentence. That is why getting experienced legal counsel is essential.

I am Ravi Sanyal, a Charleston felony DUI defense attorney and founder of the Sanyal Law Firm, LLC. With more than a decade of experience as a DUI prosecutor, I understand how these cases are tried and I will use this knowledge to help give you the strongest possible defense. Contact me, a South Carolina criminal defense lawyer, online or call 843-641-0347 to discuss your case.

Felony Drunk Driving Charges Carry Serious Penalties

The state treats felony drunk driving charges very seriously. If you are convicted of a fourth or subsequent DUI, you face anywhere from one to seven years in prison. A felony DUI that results in great bodily injury carries a potential sentence of 30 days to 15 years. A drunk driving accident that results in a death is considered to be a violent crime, and carries a minimum sentence of one year in prison with a maximum sentence of 25 years. This is to say nothing of the heavy fines and other consequences that result from a felony charge.

Repeat DUI/DUAC charges that are not considered felonies are also very serious. The penalties increase tremendously compared to those that come with a first offense, and include possible jail time, thousands of dollars in fines, driver’s license suspension and mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device. You cannot afford to take your chances against these charges on your own.

Challenging Criminal Charges

Although the state does not take felony or repeat drunk driving charges lightly, that does not mean that there is no hope. The prosecution must still prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. I will challenge all of the evidence related to your criminal charges, including the results of Breathalyzer tests and field sobriety tests in order to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case. When your freedom and your future are at stake, you need an aggressive legal advocate on your side.

Contact a Charleston Multi-DWI Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a repeat DWI offense or are facing felony charges, you need legal help right away. Contact me, a Charleston felony DUI defense lawyer, online or call 843-641-0347 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case. I offer evening, weekend and off-site appointments by request, and I accept all major credit cards.